Monday, April 30, 2018

Public Suggestion to Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WRS) and the Singapore Government: Keep the memory of Inuka through stuffed toys and T-Shirts


Like many Singaporeans I was deeply saddened to read of how Inuka had to be put down to end its suffering as reported in Zoo workers, guests pay their last respects to Inuka (The New Paper, April 27).


Arthritis is extremely painful disease, not just for animals, but for humans as well. For some pet lovers, saying goodbye to a pet is just as hard as saying farewell to a family member who has to pass on.  We can never be truly in in touch with our soul if we do not realise that animals can suffer pain and sorrow just like us.

However, one virtue that shone brightly through this sad episode was the outpouring of love for this lovable polar bear from the hundreds of visitors to the zoo. Clearly, the love for animals by people from all walks of life, including children is a warm feeling that we should all embrace and continuously promote.

Animals can be some of our best of friends.  They teach us valuable lessons. They can be loyal to us, love us, and serve us.  They can also infect us with the power of unconditional love.  Animals as pets can comfort us when we face setbacks in life. 

To keep the memory of Inuka very much alive, it will be useful to create a plush replica of this bear.   Even specially designed T-shirts can be tailored to show our love for Inuka.

To this end, I urge the Singapore Zoo in partnership with Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WRS) to take up my suggestion to produce these merchandise and market it extensively –both locally and overseas as there several benefits:

1. The sale of these products will be a money spinner for WRS and the Zoo

2. The proceeds of part of the sales can help to financially support WRS and its programmes/activities while a portion can be set aside to support a charity which WRS can adopt.

3. It promotes the love for animals

I would appreciate a reply from WRS and the Singapore Government.




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