Sunday, February 23, 2020

The world: Epidemics and traveler convenience: Build budget hotel/hostels at the airport and other entry points


Reference – the above matter. I am putting up this proposal in my personal capacity, not as a representative of my government.

The world today is uncertain – what with terrorism, climate change and the threat of deadly viruses striking and spreading rapidly – at any time.  

With the recent coronavirus from China affecting many people in China – and now having made its way into 18 countries, we need to be proactive and think of ways to allow people in a globalised world to have peace of mind. 

Experts have predicted that more new flu viruses are set to make their way into this globalised world. That said, we cannot be living in fear all the time. Life has to go on.  

For long-term planning and investment, I propose that Governments in all parts of the world in partnership with entrepreneurs, developers or businessmen build a budget hotel and hostel at their airports or entry points for a dual purpose.  This can be a pilot project.


Allow me to explain.


The proposed budget hotel/hostels can be managed by businessmen/entrepreneurs with collaborations with the hospitality industry, Voluntary Welfare Organizations and healthcare professionals. 

During periods when there is no outbreak of viruses, the hotel/hostels can be rented out to tourists or anyone travelling –in and out of the country. Travelers may want to rest and spend one or two nights before departing or visiting a country.  For example, if the flight lands at 1am or 12midnight in  a particular country , the tourist may be tired so he/she could spend one or two days at this  proposed  affordable budget hotel /hostel, do some shopping at the duty-free shops at the airport or nearby shopping malls, then go to stay at   a 3 star or 4 star hotel afterwards for a longer period.  

When the traveler has to wake up for an early morning flight, he/she could also stay at these proposed budget hotels/hostels one day before the flight to avoid rushing or missing the flight.   If the prices at these places are affordable, the take-up rate will be good. The airlines can help promote these resting places to passengers on their flights.  Boils down to good sales and marketing skills. 

There may be concerns that the hotels near the airport could lose business, so it can be made necessary that the stay at either the hostel or budget hotel must only be restricted to one or two days.

When there is an outbreak of viruses, all checks can be done at these venues – before the traveler/s enters the visiting country.  They can be screened and quarantined here – and if they are found to be infected, they can be immediately sent to hospitals. 

These venues when thoroughly disinfected during quarantine periods can be a revenue earner to boost the economy.

As the symptoms of the coronavirus  or other unknown viruses may not show up until one week or even much later, that is the period when travelers from affected countries could be quarantined.  

If viruses are poorly contained and people panic, the travel industry which includes airlines and cruises will lose business.

Viruses can spread like wild fire so it’s best to prevent virus carriers from going past the airport or any other check point.

Additionally, there is no issue of the proposed hotel/hostel becoming a white elephant if good marketing strategies from the Tourism sector are applied.    

Initially, the construction of the budget hotel/hostels will not make money – but over a period of time with good sales tactics, it can break even – and even make money. Moreover, jobs can be created with budget hotels and hostels at major checkpoints.

Every investment has risk, but if we do not take risks, we will never know, would we?  Take heed of what the late Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of UK once said, “The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

We can’t afford to let infections spread given the bed crunch in public hospitals and to be mindful that healthcare workers are at risks of getting infected and even losing their lives. 

There is also the concern that the economy will take a beating when epidemics take control of our lives – and when we tend to become so fearful that we find it so hard to function.

If every country or most of the countries have a hostel or budget hotel in the checkpoints for a dual purpose, I have every confidence that we can manage virus outbreaks – before it manages us.

I would appreciate a reply from you, and if it takes a while to study my proposal, an interim response would be good.


Thank you and have a nice day!



Raymond Anthony Fernando


 Profile of the writer

Raymond Anthony Fernando is a motivational speaker, poet, author, trainer, songwriter, freelance television actor, ghostwriter, media celebrity and a regular newspaper forum page writer.  He is a Mental Health Ambassador with the Institute of Mental Health (Singapore); and is Singapore’s leading advocate for the mentally ill.   The author of 36 books was married to Doris Lau who authored 8 books.   Raymond who was chosen as Model Caregiver 2007 and Mental Health Champion 2010 is born on Valentine’s Day and is a contributing writer to the Buddhist Temple’s magazine, AWAKEN.  He has contributed 31 years’ service in the public sector, has 15 years’ experience in public relations work and has received several awards and commendations from government organizations.   

Raymond attributes his success to two wonderful people – his beloved wife, Doris and his dear mother Mrs. Pearl Donna Fernando – both of whom have made a huge impact on his life.