Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Preface to my next book on kindness


If I were asked to name the 5 best things in life, I would immediately cite these: Love, friendship, family, health and of course – kindness.  


What we can all do to make this a far better world is identify what we are passionate about and what we value. Then take steps to incorporate these passions and values into the workplace, in our family and in the community.


I am very passionate about social issues and I mainly focus on 3 groups: The elderly lonely, children with special needs and the mentally ill. I will speak and write passionately on those clinging onto the fringes of society.  


The first book I wrote in kindness, “Kindness is the bridge between all people” was well received – and I managed to sell 180 copies of this novel in just 3 weeks.   It was so encouraging to get accolades from people within Singapore and abroad on the work I do.  This has inspired me to write my second book on kindness.


One psychologist from the Philippines. Miss Celine Sugay who has heard of my advocacy work told me this: “I'm sure thousands of people are benefiting from what you're doing.”

I always apply the 3 Cs when coming alongside the needy: Caring, Compassion and Commitment.

Happiness and gratefulness go hand in hand. To be happy, we must be grateful for what we have or have acquired. For myself, I am grateful because I had a devoted mother and a good wife who both unselfishly gave me invaluable advice and unconditional love for 40 long years. And of course, I am grateful for acquiring good writing skills through the Divine Inspiration.

To take kindness to a higher level, we must not be judgmental when we do not have any idea of those who are struggling in life.  The homeless are often criticised because some people make the wrong assumption that they are in their state because they are lazy.

To those who are unshaven and begging for a meal or money, people will say that they are like parasites, not knowing that they could have lost their jobs. 

When your hair turns grey due to ageing and when you try to sell your books, how any people will rally around you and buy your book because they assume that being old, you do not have the ability to churn out a good story?  

When a prisoner has served his term behind bars, will we as a caring and gracious society give him a second chance, bearing in mind that as humans, we all make mistakes in life?

The media – because of its big outreach has a crucial role to play in promoting kindness – and we need enlightened journalists to encourage their viewers and readers to step forward with bright ideas.  Diverse and balanced views without biasness can help in nation-building.

In this sequel, Empathy and kindness make the world a better place”,

I will present inspiring true stories ranging from simple acts of charity, loyal kindness to royal kindness and many more moving accounts of how the milk of human kindness has healed the world.  


I hope that you will enjoy reading the book and be motivated to pass on kindness in small and big ways – to one and all. God Bless!




Raymond Anthony Fernando

(@ copyrightraymondafernando 2019



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