Sunday, December 18, 2016

Act on ideas to help those who fall through the cracks: Raymond Anthony Fernando’s letter to the press

My letter on the above subject is published in the Sunday Times, today, Sunday 18th Dec 2016.

Mr Francis Cheng ("Consider allowing inmates conjugal visits, private time with families"; Dec 11) and Mr Kuharajahsingam Karalasingam ("More work needed in caring for the marginalised"; Dec 11) were right in pointing out that many of those who are marginalised and fall through the cracks are not receiving sufficient support and help.

I fully agree that allowing inmates conjugal visits or private time with their families can help to strengthen the bond between them.

Why not allow inmates and their families to communicate with each other via computer, such as e-mail messages, three or four times a week?

I also applaud Mr Karalasingam for his suggestion to set up a national committee to rally around those who fall through the cracks so that these people can live with dignity.

With Christmas around the corner and a new year in sight, I hope we will also spare a thought for the mentally ill, their caregivers and the lonely elderly who are isolated from society and feel unloved.

No one should have to suffer a "blue" Christmas.

Raymond Anthony Fernando

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