Monday, December 23, 2019

Trusting in the power of prayer

I have been praying very hard to Jesus for several things, among these:

♦ That I could sell my last 15 copies of my second kindness book, “Empathy & kindness make a better world’ and out of the blue, a kind-hearted person wrote to me and gave me so much encouragement; and then purchased 5 copies of this book.

Now I have only 10 more books to sell and I hope other kind people will step forward to help me clear these last few copies.

♦ I am also passionate about writing to the press as I can create more awareness of social issues.  And again, Jesus did not fail me. Today my press letter on the ‘LTA’s yellow sticker initiative’ was published in The Straits Times.

♦ Thirdly, my severe backache that has forced me to get an injection and go on painkillers is healing.

♦ Fourthly, I need social connections and recreation so badly, as I am isolated and lonely, and through the power of prayer, 2 volunteers from the St Vincent De Paul at Christ the King Church visited me yesterday and will bring up to their committee next week to support my request for outings twice a year.

Praise the Lord for his compassion & kindness.



Raymond Anthony Fernando

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