cannot be developed in peace and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened,
ambition inspired, and success achieved.”
- Author
Helen Keller -
By: Raymond Anthony Fernando
Given that Parish Priests have a heavy
responsibility to serve the many needs of our parishioners, I welcome the
decision for the Catholic News(CN) to come under the umbrella of the
Archbishop’s Communication Office effective 1st July 2018.
CN is a useful platform for the 300,000 strong
Catholics to understand the teachings of Christ as well as to get our brothers
and sister in Christ to spread the love of God through the power of evangelism.
Jesus Christ is indeed good news and such good
news needs to be told and retold. As
Catholics, we need to embrace evangelism and practice God’s love to everyone we
spread the word of God through evangelism
There is no question that the world is filled with an appalling
amount of evil and suffering.
Bitterness. Anger. Frustration.
Depression. These are some of the
emotions people who are going through suffering can display.
Many Christians who are plagued with chronic
illnesses, financial difficulties, broken marriages or face mounting problems
day in and day out have often asked the clergy these questions: “Why is God making me go through so much
suffering? I have done no wrong. Why must bad things happen to good people?”
There is comfort in suffering because God
can use our sufferings to teach us and make us better people. Suffering can bring out the best in people,
it can test their faith, and it can create the opportunity for them to grow
spiritually, to change for the better, and to make a difference in the world.
Often it takes suffering to make us realise
the brevity of life, and the importance of living for Christ. God uses suffering to accomplish things in
our lives that would otherwise never be achieved.
Even though we may be going through huge
challenges in life or undergoing a great deal of suffering, we must always
trust in God because He will always be there to lift us up – maybe not
immediately, but in due course.
This is why it is so important for the Neighbourhood
Christian Communities (NCCS) to rally around the marginalised, the elderly
lonely and the mentally ill and their caregivers. NCCs play a vital role in uplifting those who
are going through adversities. NCCs too
through supporting this group can also be in a position to evangelise by doing
God’s work.
Although Christians appear to love evangelism, sadly,
not many take it upon themselves to promote the scriptures from the Bible and
God’s ever powerful love, as long as someone else is doing the evangelising. To this end, it is imperative that as
Catholics we need to start preaching the good news over and over again. One way to do this is through the Catholic
News where people – locals as well as foreigners can share their faith
I have always find it heart-warming to listen to
the sermons by some of our Catholics Priests – among them, Father Ambrose Richards,
Father Andrew Wong, Father Stephen Yim, Father Henry Siew and Father John Bosco
Pereira – just to name a few. As God’s shepherds, they can all certainly guide
their ‘sheep’; encouraging them to become ‘Saints’.
foreign articles, more local stories
I read CN every fortnight and have observed that
more often than not, overseas articles get published. While such accounts are
needed, CN needs to focus more on localised heartfelt stories, and perhaps give
lay Catholics the opportunity to write local stories or opinion pieces, where
youths and seniors can actively participate as contributors. If need be, pay
them a token sum to encourage on-going participation to keep the publication
very much alive.
There are also many social issues facing Catholics
here that includes breakdowns in marriages, addiction, family disputes and
caregivers finding it a real struggle to care for loved ones with special
As Christians, I fervently believe that we are
called to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters, to be a voice for
the voiceless, the defenceless, and the most vulnerable in the society.
can also rally around all Singaporeans
Separately, it is encouraging that Finance
Minister Heng Swee Keat has assured Singaporeans that the 4th
generation leaders will make every effort to reach out to all Singaporeans as
reported in Channel NewsAsia today, Friday 18th May 2018 (“4G
leaders to engage Singaporeans in series of discussions to chart future
together: Heng Swee Keat”).
Mr Heng is indeed a compassionate and caring minister, no airs about him and he makes the effort to understand the needs of all our people. He displays magnanimity towards caregivers of the mentally and this I found to be so true during my short discussion with him during the 1st Singapore conversation.
Poignant stories of resilience need to be unfolded
Mr Heng is indeed a compassionate and caring minister, no airs about him and he makes the effort to understand the needs of all our people. He displays magnanimity towards caregivers of the mentally and this I found to be so true during my short discussion with him during the 1st Singapore conversation.
Poignant stories of resilience need to be unfolded
Getting back to the proposed brand-new look for
the Catholic News.
There are also in our midst, Catholics who despite
carrying a heavy cross have overcome adversities to come out stronger than ever
as they place their full trust in the Lord. Indeed, having a faith makes it
much easier to carry a cross. The more
poignant the stories are, the more Catholics will embrace the love of God.
Thus, it is timely with a new team in place on 1st
July to have a Catholic newspaper for Catholics, by Catholics.
Anthony Fernando