Thursday, January 11, 2018

Opinion: Mandatory treatment order fair, good chance for M Ravi to redeem himself

Going to jail can be traumatic. Thus, I am glad that the judge passed down the Mandatory Treatment Order (MOT) in lieu of a prison term to human rights lawyer M Ravi.

It was wise on the part of M Ravi who has bipolar to apologise to the lawyers whom he has abused – physical and emotionally and as long as he complies with the MOT, he has an excellent chance to redeem himself and reintegrate into society


Generally, there is a wrong perception that all persons with mental illness are violent and are trouble makers. But this can only happen when they do not seek treatment or have defaulted on their medications and treatment, which includes counselling.


But with proper treatment, M Ravi can prove to the world that he can be a useful member of society as he has a brilliant mind and is well respected worldwide for his work as a human rights lawyer.


Having a job will enable those grappling with mental health issues to have a meaningful purpose in life, and to this end I am pleased that M Ravi has managed to secure employment with Carson Law Chambers through the support of former National Solidarity Party Secretary General Lim Tean who is also a lawyer.



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