Thursday, May 14, 2020

Forum: Need to be empathetic to some of these rule breakers

My letter to The Straits Times on the above matter gets published today, Thursday 14th May 2020



Two people who disobeyed the circuit breaker measures have been remanded at the Institute of Mental Health (Woman held for assaulting cop, refusing to wear mask properly, May 11).


Are there more to come?


Not everyone can cope with stress and isolation. Not everyone who is out of work or facing intense financial distress can manage their troubled minds.


The way that officers enforcing circuit breaker measures approach a person who does not wear a mask is critical.


It would be prudent to train them in how to deal with people with mental health issues.


They need to have the tools to respond to tense situations, so that they are able to de-escalate them in a safe, effective and caring manner.


Raymond Anthony Fernando



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