Tuesday, March 12, 2019

When the pen is mightier than the sword

I have always preferred working on my own and behind the scenes rather than working for people. I thrive on wanting to be different. I wanted independence. I am fascinated by the unknowable mysteries and of the plight of people with disabilities.

In being a ‘voice’ for persons suffering from mental illness for more than 10 years, I hope to bring a better tomorrow for these lone sufferers.

I fervently believe that the pen is mighti...er than the sword and the most effective way to create awareness of any issue is to express my feelings through writing and speaking. This trait of daring to do what is necessary even though it does not please everyone is what has enabled me to care for my late wife for 40 years.

I always encourage people going through challenges in life to write their own stories, because every one of us has a book or two inside of us.
You know, work is so bad that they have to pay people to do it. When my friends complain to me about the long hours they have to put in at work, how they feel unappreciated by their bosses or are worried sick over being sidelined or worse still being retrenched, I tell them to find “pipelines”.
These pipelines are from the skills that they have acquired during the course of their work or by their own creativity. I have managed to find my own pipelines through writing and public speaking. When I had a full-time job, I used to write poems and send it out to my colleagues during festive seasons or when they celebrate their special days. My poems were well received by the staff, and that inspired me to consider publishing my works someday.

At the workplace, build healthy relationships, learn new skills, give suggestions and contribute as useful citizens. Once this is achieved, payment becomes the ‘icing on the cake.’

Raymond Anthony Fernando

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