Saturday, March 28, 2015

Mr Lee had workers’ interests at heart: Raymond's letter to the press on the late Lee Kuan Yew

My letter on the above matter is published in the TODAY newspaper- Saturday 28th March 2015.

Like many people, I am saddened by the loss of former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. He was a highly respected politician among world leaders, be it for his wisdom, foresight or knowledge of world events.

It is heartening that many Singaporeans, young and old, have taken the time to pay tribute to him.
He always had workers’ interests at heart, even the daily-rated road sweepers. When he observed that these workers were at risk of being hit by vehicles, he tasked the environment ministry to design luminous vests for them.

He was also a tough disciplinarian who did not like noise and was particular about cleanliness.
I remember the times he came by the television studios in the 1970s to broadcast his National Day speeches; all involved were kept on their toes, as he was very particular about efficiency.

For 46 days, he was in hospital trying to recover from pneumonia, and it must have been painful for his family to witness a loved one wither away and feel helpless.

I offer my condolences and hope that in time, they will be able to cope with the grief.

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