Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fatal accident at Buangkok Green - Transport operators can make are safer

9th March 2013

To: Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew

Dear Mr Lui,

Raymond Fernando’s letter to the press: Fatal accident at Buangkok Green  - Transport operators can make are safer

A 28-year-old woman was killed at Buangkok Green, outside IMH. She died from head injuries. I can just imagine the pain the family must be going through. I hope they are given full support by the Government and the mental care providers because grieving is difficult to cope with – more so when a woman in the prime of her life dies so tragically.

I wrote to IMH’s management a few years to improve services there on several issues:

(1) A taxi stand to enable the public & staff to have easier access to commute. It was implemented, thanks to the former CEO of IMH, Prof Kua Ee Hock.

(2) A covered walkway that stretches from the road entering IMH right to the doorstep of IMH so that everyone is sheltered from  the rain & the blazing hot sun. It’s implemented – thanks to Mr Leong Yew Meng, former CEO of IMH.  

Now I’m appealing for a proper bus service which all can benefit from.

We all have to look out for one another, and if things are not right, let’s make it right. That’s the community spirit which I hope the Government will continuously promote at all levels.

My sentiments /suggestions on how we can save lives are best expressed in my letter to the press. I would like to thank The New Paper who has been very supportive of the causes I feel so passionately about.

Letter to The New Paper:

Fatal accident at Buangkok Green  - Transport operators can make are safer

My letter to The New Paper on the above matter is published today, Saturday 9th March 2013 on page 21

I refer to the report “Reducing deaths on the roads” (The New Paper, yesterday).

I am glad that the Government is taking steps to make our roads safer.

Those guilty of speeding and placing themselves and others at risks must feel the long arm of the law.

But more needs to be done to protect and save lives. 

Accidents such as the one in which a 28-year-old woman was killed at Buangkok Green, outside the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) can be prevented.

The number of patients seeking treatment at IMH has swelled over the years.  Family members also make trips to see their loved ones in the wards.  Healthcare workers work on shifts and need to make their way in and out of the hospital late at all hours.  I have also seen joggers at the IMH Park.

Our public transport operators can do their part as corporate citizens to reduce accidents at Buangkok Green by looping existing bus services through the IMH grounds to make it easier for people to reach the hospital safely. 

Most passengers alighting from a public bus now have to walk about 400 metres to reach IMH.

If the buses go right up to the hospital, patients, caregivers and staff will benefit and the area can be safer, with fewer pedestrians.




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