Friday, April 13, 2012

Letter to the press -TNP: Keep Rediffusion alive

Raymond’s letter to The New Paper (TNP) on the above subject is published today, Friday 13th April 2012 in TNP, page 22.

I refer to the article, “Rediffusion to stop broadcasting” (The New Paper, April 9.)

Like many of our senior citizens, I was deeply saddened to receive news of the cable radio’s shutdown at the end of this month. Although there are only 3,000 subscribers, Rediffusion has always been a family to many of the older generation.

Our past can often serve as a refuge from current challenges and as a motivation to recapture our vigor.

Rediffusion is nostalgic. And reminiscing about the glory days can give our seniors a smile and boost their confidence.

 Remembering the good old days helps us to honour our past and cherish the future.  

Even sufferers of dementia can be uplifted when beautiful memories of the past comes flashing back to their ailing minds.

Many of  the English speaking listeners’ song requests and chit chats  with many of the friendly and bubbly DJs on the Gold channel, including, Linden Loke, Mel Ferdinands, Juanita Melson, Sharon Vu, John Klass, ACK,  Rosemary, Chris Ho and many others, got us perked up at the start of a brand new day.

Singapore is seeing a fast ageing population and a large number of our senior citizens are more conversant in dialects.

Rediffusion is possibly the only local radio station that broadcasts programmes in Chinese dialects, paving the way for better interaction between the station and the often forgotten elderly citizen.

Rediffusion has a beautiful and memorable history, and it will really be a sad state of affairs if the station becomes a “has been.”

I urge the government to step in and give Rediffusion a new lease of life.


Big corporate giants could also rally around the station and help to support its on-going efforts to provide some simple and inexpensive entertainment for the older generation as recreation is crucial for this group during their twilight years.

It will also be useful if a Rediffusion club with inexpensive annual subscriptions can be formed. The proposed club, consisting of former and present DJs, staff and Redifussion subscribers, can organise bi-yearly gatherings that so that loyalty can help to keep the cable station alive through the years.


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