Wednesday, October 6, 2010

GOODBYE, MRS LEE (MM Lee's wife)

A timely reminder to value marriage

Raymond's letter to The New Paper on the passing of Mrs Lee (MM Lee's wife) is published in The New Paper today, Wed , 6th Oct 2010, page 22.

Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's candid revelations in The New York Times about his personal life, which came just weeks before Mrs Lee's death , were a timely reminder to all of us to value and cherish the marriage bonds.

Undoubtedly, MM Lee has observed the sanctity of marriage in every sense of the word by caring and loving his wife “in sickness and in health.”

People will have to grapple with pain and suffering when they see their loved ones struggle with life-threatening illnesses, till the inevitable end.

Love can be wonderful, but it can also be very painful when suffering places us in despair.

Yet there is something hidden in suffering which makes us more aware of who we are, why we are here and where we are heading.

And in a moment of suffering, that awareness become intense.

It was good that MM Lee spoke about the pain of caring for his bedridden wife, and I'm sure that on this day, the thoughts of many Singaporeans will be with him and his family.


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