Saturday, February 28, 2009

Teacher who slept with underage student: Raymond’s letter to The NEW PAPER, Sat 27th Feb 2009

Husband’s support will help the healing process

I refer to the report, “ He will not divorce wife despite heartbreak” (The New Paper, 24 Feb).

Although it must have been heartbreaking for the husband of the jailed ex-teacher to discover that his wife had betrayed him, it is truly magnanimous and courageous on his part to forgive her. I commend him for his compassion.

Though it was wrong for the former teacher to engage in sex with the underage student, let us not be too critical. Both have suffered and are paying a heavy price.

Everyone makes mistakes, but if we are able to forgive those that have fallen down and give them a second chance, I am sure they will be able to move on in life.

A supportive environment can certainly help the ex-teacher a great deal as she comes to terms with her guilt and depression. Her husband and his mother have taken the first step to help in her healing.

But we must bear in mind there is no quick fix to overcoming depression and other types of mental illnesses, as it is a slow process.

With patience, perseverance and even prayer from family members, together with love, medication and counselling, I have every confidence that sufferers will recover.

As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Where there is love there is life.”

I wish both the former teacher and the 15-year student a speedy recovery as your family members stand by you in life’s journey.


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