Thursday, January 8, 2009


Coming your way!

Have you come across people who show one face on the outside and another on the inside? How do you feel when the trust you put in so-called friends has been abused? How do you feel when those whom you trusted, betray you?

What do you do when your job is on the line and when you have fallen by the wayside? What do you do when bosses, seen as “taskmasters” are unsympathetic and demanding?

How do you cope when you have to be a fulltime caregiver and have to find means to earn a decent living to provide for your loved one?

Well, this book written by Raymond Anthony Fernando is for YOU!

“The face behind the front” is the sequel to the author’s bestseller, “Loving a Schizophrenic”. As a solitary caregiver to his wife who has schizophrenia, “The face behind the front” focuses on the author’s many challenges he faces in caring for his loved ones, who include his beloved wife, Doris, mother and twin brother. The book reveals that beneath the mask of a happy face is a hidden face – a face etched with years of emotional pain, suffering and depression.

“The face behind the front” also speaks of the many people that have walked into Raymond Anthony Fernando’s life and they include his classmates, teachers, office colleagues, his friends and his church – people that showed one face on the outside and another on the inside.

If you are a caretaker for your loved ones, “The face behind the front” will inspire you to continue the difficult journey, strengthen your resolve and help you find meaning in a seemingly thankless task. This is a story of a caregiver’s emotional pain and how he overcomes tremendous odds to bring hope to the mentally ill as well as chart new directions in his life. In this book, the author-caregiver also provides useful caregiver tips in managing persons suffering from mental illness.

Look out for this space to check when the book will be out! The book is likely to cost $20.

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